How many people can you fit on a bus in India?

- who know´s? Whenever you think it´s full enough to burst ten more comes on.
I might sound really cheap now, but basically after travelling with mostly rickshaws for my first 2 weeks here I figured that 200Rs + (roughly 20Skr or little more than 2Euro) is to much to spend every day on travels, so now i buses and trains everywhere, for roughly 1/4 of the cost. I do enjoy that more as well.
Today I had to travel during peak time. The train is alright even if it´s packed and one has to almost fight the way on and off. When I got the bus home after the train I was suprised to see it was almost empty. Well, it was the wrong bus and I got kicked off. When I got the right bus it was so packed with people I couldn´t get much further than the entry and figured there´s no way more people will be able to come on to the bus. I was proven wrong.
For some strange reason, specially since I´m normally quite the loner, I do find it rather enjoyable to travel this way. Bunch of people cramed in to the smallest of space, the conductor shouting out words in hinid (and actually manage to charge everyone on the bus - respect to these people working in this envoriment all day, every day!!), fighting my way out when it´s my stop etc.
Today I have done observation of a boys cricket team and a interview with the manager of the sports project Reality Gives has in Dharavi. Now it´s time for the fun part. Writing observations down and transcribing the interview. Will probably end up at Coffee day or Costa Coffee to study there as well as have a coffee and some lunch. And comes the evening it is time for my first proper lesson in learning to speak Hindi!
Love S.